The One Big Secret My Grandfather Kept For 80 Years

4 min read2 days ago

I love history and genealogy. My grandfather was born in 1906. He lived through so many major historical events. He passed in 1992. But during those amazing 85 years, he experienced a world that many of us have never seen.

When I watched the following video on Facebook, I did some quick math and realized my grandfather, was 5 years old in 1911.

Despite him having been born over 100 years ago, I am only in my mid-40s.

100 Years Of Life

My grandfather lived and grew up in this very old world. Born only 6 years after the 1800’s, it is fascinating to me all the events he saw unfold- the Titanic, World World I, the Great Depression, World War II, Vietnam War, etc. etc.

In the 1970’s and 1980’s, he was quiet and unassuming. Grandpa Popeye (as we called him after the cartoon), would visit often. He had big hearing aids and a quiet voice but he was always a source of calm in our home. He was at our home for Easter and Thanksgiving every year, sharing with my mom how to make golumpki (known…




New England born- now living in the Midwest. Blogger, author, influencer, and history addict. Say hi on KoFi-