7+ Things We Don’t Want When Boomer Relatives Kick The Bucket

8 min read5 days ago

I don’t know what it is but my mother-in-law loves to unload stuff on us.

When we first moved into our home over 20 years ago, we had a clutter-free fresh start. My mother-in-law immediately started dumping my husband’s old stuff on us.

Boxes and boxes of his old childhood stuff piled into the home. I would dutifully put the boxes in the basement, never to be seen again.

Then his father (who has since passed) would bring over piles of cut-out newspaper articles of things he thought his son would like.

I was more okay with that because it was a sweet thing. My grandmother used to do the same thing, mailing me newspaper clippings.

But the boxes. And somehow, even 20 years later, she still manages to create a box every few months. And I am like, wtf. Her 1200 sq. foot home does not hold that much and I wonder if she is just manufacturing crap at this point. Because I know my husband does not have that much childhood stuff.

And now, I have a very full 1500+ sq foot basement filled. Sure, much is our household items but a great deal is crap she dumped on us.

It almost felt like she was purposely trying to clutter up my brand-new home and that was really crappy.




New England born- now living in the Midwest. Blogger, author, influencer, and history addict. Say hi on KoFi- https://ko-fi.com/pomeroysays/